Challenges to income tax assessments, including disputes over the computation of taxable income, deductions, exemptions, tax credits, and taxability of specific transactions or income sources
Litigation concerning corporate income tax, including disputes over corporate tax rates, tax incentives, tax exemptions, tax deductions, transfer pricing adjustments, and taxation of multinational corporations
Legal disputes arising under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime, including disputes over GST liability, input tax credits, GST rates, classification of goods and services, place of supply, and compliance requirements.
Challenges to assessments and enforcement actions under state-level value-added tax (VAT) laws or pre-GST regime sales tax laws, including disputes over taxability, exemptions, input tax credits, and interstate sales.
Litigation involving customs duties, excise duties, and import/export taxes, including disputes over classification of goods, valuation, customs duty exemptions, duty drawbacks, and enforcement actions by customs authorities.
Challenges to transfer pricing adjustments made by tax authorities in cross-border transactions between related parties, including disputes over arm's length pricing, transfer pricing methods, comparability analysis, and transfer pricing documentation requirements
Legal challenges to tax assessments, audits, and scrutiny proceedings conducted by tax authorities, including disputes over the validity of assessments, procedural irregularities, and taxpayers' rights during the audit process.
Claims for tax refunds arising from excess tax payments, tax credits, input tax credits, or tax deductions, including disputes over the eligibility for refunds, the computation of refund amounts, and delays in processing refund claims.
Appeals before appellate authorities, such as the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), High Courts, and the Supreme Court of India, challenging adverse tax assessments, orders, or decisions issued by tax authorities.
Disputes involving international taxation issues, including disputes over double taxation, tax treaties, permanent establishment rules, taxation of foreign income, and resolution of cross-border tax disputes through mutual agreement procedures or arbitration.
Challenges to tax penalties imposed by tax authorities for non-compliance, tax evasion, or other tax offenses, including defense against criminal prosecutions for tax fraud, tax evasion, or willful tax non-payment.